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Michelle Spix




  • - Anorexia Nervosa
  • - Interventies / behandeling
  • - Leerprocessen (conditionering)

Before starting a PhD at Maastricht University in February 2020, I did a Bachelor in Psychology and and Research Master for Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Groningen. In my master thesis I looked at inter-individual differences in extinction learning in response to different unconditioned stimuli.


Here, in the eetgroup I will continue working in the field of fear learning. Specifically, I will explore the role of several conditioning phenomena, suggested in the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders, for anorexia nervosa. In the course of the project healthy controls and participants with anorexia will complete different conditioning tasks allowing, for example, the comparison of extinction rates between the two groups. Eventually, I hope that my PhD project helps to better understand the mechanisms underlying anorexia nervosa and to inspire new treatment approaches.


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