Hanna Melles
- - Anorexia Nervosa
- - Interventies / behandeling
- - Leerprocessen (conditionering)
In October 2019, I started my PhD project in the Eat-Lab at the Clinical Psychological Science Department of the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN). Prior to this, I completed a Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Maastricht University, followed by a Research Master in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience with a specialization in Psychopathology. I conducted my master thesis project at the Institute of Medical Psychology in Heidelberg (Germany). Since 2020, I follow a postgraduate training to become psychotherapist for children and adolescents.
Current treatment options for eating disorders, such as Anorexia nervosa (AN) are characterized by high relapse and dropout rates. My research aims at improving AN treatment by focusing on factors that are assumed to maintain the disorder. One such factor is anxiety which plays a central role in AN as patients usually display strong fears related to food or eating. I investigate the effects of personalized and anxiety focused exposure therapy, based on an inhibitory learning approach.
I teach (clinical) courses like Psychiatric Anamnesis, Infancy, Behavioral Problems in Childhood and Adolescence or Psychopathology.
An up to date list can be found here